Accommodation with pets

Rules for staying with pets

  1. Accommodation of a pet in a hotel room (a "Pet" is a small breed of dog weighing up to 5 kg) is allowed subject to the "Rules". It is forbidden to stay in the Hotel with wild animals.
  2. When checking into the Hotel with pets, the guest is obliged to familiarize himself and confirm with his signature the consent to comply with the "Rules".
  3. Guests arriving at the Hotel with pets must provide a veterinary certificate with a mark of vaccinations or present a veterinary passport for the animal of the established government form.
  4. Check-in with animals in the room is allowed, provided it is just one animal per suite.
  5. A guest staying with an animal pet must observe the sanitary and hygienic regime in the suite and on the territory of the Hotel.
  6. Dogs on site must be on leash and muzzled and must be accompanied by the pet owner.
  7. The guest must have a special cage or mat for the pet.
  8. Walking pets on the territory of the Hotel and on the adjacent lawns is strictly prohibited.
  9. Pets must fed from special dishes brought by the guest.
  10. For the dogs' toilet time, the guest must bring the required accessories (tray, dog nappy, etc.).
  11. Feeding pets from dishes belonging to the Hotel is strictly prohibited.
  12. In the absence of a special pet cage, pets are not allowed to be left unattended by the owners in the room, and on the territory of the entire Hotel.
  13. It is forbidden to visit the restaurant and hotel's public areas with pets.
  14. The guest is obliged to notify the Hotel staff if the animal is in the room unattended.
  15. The use of shower cabin, towels, sheets and other bedding belonging to the Hotel for washing pets is prohibited.
  16. When booking in with a pet, the guest is obliged to make a deposit of 10,000 rubles at the Hotel's desk for possible risks of damaging the property of the Hotel. If there is no damage, the deposit will be refunded to the guest at the end of the stay. If significant damage is found to the property of the Hotel, the guest is obliged to contribute additional funds to cover the cost of repairs or purchase of inventory.
  17. The hotel reserves the right to terminate the contract with a guest staying with a pet in case of violations of the Rules of Accommodation; specifically due to a noisy, aggressive or otherwise inappropriate behaviour of a pet.